AfterWords Project_Student Showcase
Welcome to the Student Showcase!

Here, we celebrate the incredible work of students who have delved into the stories of the Holocaust and survivor testimonies. This page highlights their projects, art, and multimedia creations, reflecting their unique perspectives and deep understanding of this significant historical period. Explore the creativity and passion of young minds as they honor the resilience of Holocaust survivors and contribute to preserving their powerful narratives for future generations.

Zoe Fishman

Tattooing the Truth by Zoe Fishman

Explore Zoe Fishman’s stirring collection, “Poems of the Holocaust: Tattooing the Truth,” which brings a personal and contemporary touch to Holocaust research through original poetry and survivor testimonies. Dive into her work, connecting historical narratives with the present, to ensure the lessons of the Holocaust remain relevant and impactful. Explore

Brittany Smith

Quilt of Shame by Brittany Smith

Brittany Smith, a student at the Lloyd International Honors College at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, created a powerful piece of art titled “Quilt of Shame” as part of her Freshman Honors Seminar, Living the Holocaust, taught by Dr. Roy Schwartzman. Through this original quilting project, Brittany explores the enduring and multifaceted experience of shame surrounding the Holocaust, particularly as it relates to the Jewish community. Explore

Michael Messer

Michael Messer's Student Showcase_AfterWords

Discover Michael Messer’s compelling project, “Propaganda and Appropriation: The Use of Symbolism by Anti-Semitic Publications and its Use and Effect on Jewish Victims,” which brings forgotten histories to life through art and survivor testimonies. Explore how Messer intertwines art and history to reveal the profound impact of Jewish symbolism and its misuse during the Holocaust. Explore