The AfterWords Project develops research and resources related to Holocaust, genocide, and prejudice, highlighting eyewitness testimony.

Author: raabion2

Richard A. Abiona is a graduate student in the Master of Science in Communication program at NC State while concurrently working towards a Masters in Geospatial Information Science and Technology (MGIST).

Richard, an international student from Nigeria, is on track to graduate in Spring 2025 with a Master of Science degree in Communication, alongside a Masters in Geospatial Information Science and Technology. Currently, he holds the roles of Teaching Assistant and Instructor of Record within the Department of Communication. Additionally, Richard actively contributes as a member of the International Student Advisory Council (ISAC) at NC State, and is a registered member of the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV). His involvement stems from his passion for development communication and advocacy, particularly for marginalized individuals and communities.

Student Showcase:

Michael Messer’s project, Propaganda and Appropriation: The Use of Symbolism by Anti-Semitic Publications and its Use and Effect on Jewish…