Quilt of Shame by Brittany Smith

Brittany Smith, a student at the Lloyd International Honors College at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, created a powerful piece of art titled “Quilt of Shame” as part of her Freshman Honors Seminar, Living the Holocaust, taught by Dr. Roy Schwartzman in Fall 2011. Through this original quilting project, Brittany explores the enduring and multifaceted experience of shame surrounding the Holocaust, particularly as it relates to the Jewish community.

The quilt, measuring 33”x 33” and composed of nine square panels (each 10”x 10”), serves as a poignant medium to convey the coexistence of various types of shame felt by different populations during and after the Holocaust. The durable textile medium illustrates how these diverse facets of shame are tangible and lasting. Like the quilt itself, the legacy of shame is an enduring aspect of the Holocaust that continues to enwrap survivors, witnesses, perpetrators, and bystanders alike.

Quilt of Shame Presentation